Categories: Movie News

Fight / Gay club?

It’s no secret that
FIGHT CLUB is one of this site’s favorite movies of all-time, and it’s no secret
that it’s also one of my own personal faves ever (read my review HERE),
but did you ever watch the film from a different point of view? For example, did
you watch it and think that the film was really about a man struggling to figure
out his own sexuality? (i.e. homosexuality) Yeah, yeah…just hear me out on
this. I had written this up a few years back, but now that this funny clip has
showed up on YouTube, I thought this would be a perfect time to re-visit some of
these kookie theories. What do you all think? You can also scroll down further
to check out this GAY CLUB mash-up on YouTube. Pretty funny.

If you haven’t seen
FIGHT CLUB, first of all, SHAME ON YOU and second of all, ***
beware of spoilers below ***

FIGHT CLUB is about one man’s "fight" to uncover his own

(Norton) is not sure whether or not he’s a heterosexual or a
homosexual, and he must go through this entire journey, this
"fight" if you will, to uncover his true tendencies.

do I say that? Many reasons.

The film begins with Jack having a gun in his mouth (obvious phallic
symbol symbolizing…well, you know!)

The film skips over to the next scene which features a meeting aptly
titled "REMAINING MEN TOGETHER" which features men who no
longer have testicules (a physical feature which clearly sets men
apart from women), and one man with actual women’s breasts. (i.e.
this is where Jack tries to remain a heterosexual…"remaining
men together")

Eventually, Jack has to call someone for help when his life turns
upside down and he tries Marla first (heterosexuality). He quickly
decides against it and then goes for Tyler (homosexuality). He makes
up this imaginary guy who just happens to be one of the best looking
guys around! (not a coincidence)

The two men set up an exclusive "club for men". Check.

In a conversation scene in the bathroom between the two men, Tyler
says to Jack, "I don’t know if another woman is the solution
for us" (i.e. maybe homosexuality is the option for us).


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