Categories: Movie News

First glimpse of Sylvester Stallone’s look for Samaritan soars online

Although Sylvester Stallone is arguably the greatest action star in history, he's mostly stayed out of the world of comicbook films. Besides JUDGE DREDD and GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2, Stallone has stuck to flexing his oiled muscles, breaking bones, and shooting badguys. One could argue that the reason is that Stallone is already a superhero, however I think the better reason is that the right material never came along for Sly.

At seventy-three years old one might rightly suppose the moment had passed for Stallone regarding the comicbook landscape. However, hope springs eternal because this December Sylvester Stallone will be starring in director Julius Avery's superhero film SAMARITAN. The movie will follow a boy "who is out to discover if a mythic superhero, who vanished 20 years earlier following a tragic event, is still alive." Stallone will play the titular superhero and now we have a first look at his appearance for the upcoming film:



Now granted this isn't an actual set pic of Stallone in full superhero regalia, but you kind of get a sense of what he's going for. There's no dyed hair or vanity here. Instead it looks like Stallone is going for a gray, grizzled, and gritty look complete with salty goatee. Call me crazy too but that jacket he's wearing almost seems superhero-esque in nature. I'm probably grasping at straws here but I seriously can't wait to see Sylvester Stallone in a superhero costume.

SAMARITAN is poised to begin filming in the Atlanta, Georgia area and will fly into theaters December 11, 2020.

Published by
Corrye Van Caeseele-Cook