Categories: Movie News

First look at Dwayne Johnson’s non-kids movie Faster

Thank god someone finally took a chair of common sense and smacked Dwayne Johnson in the back of the head with it. The man has inexplicably been throwing away his chance to be an action star by doing a string of awful kids movies that culminated in the tragic TOOTH FAIRY, but now he’s back to his action roots with FASTER.

Johnson plays an ex-con persued by cops as he tries to avenge his brother’s death. Also starring are Billy Bob Thornton and Carla Gugino as detectives on his case, Moon Bloodgood as his girlfriend and Oliver Jackson-Cohen as one of the bad guys. Also showing up somewhere is TAKEN’s Maggie Grace.

Below is the first pic from the film which presumable features Johnson about to go from con to ex-con. I’m really anticipating a kickass trailer for this one.

Published by
Paul Tassi