Categories: Horror Movie News

First look at Vin Diesel in The Last Witch Hunter

Just yesterday we caught the news that Julie Engelbrecht had joined Breck Eisner's THE LAST WITCH HUNTER as the Witch Queen, and now on the heels of that news is our first look at the film’s star, Vin Diesel. Diesel revealed the image on Facebook with the message: 13th century Kaulder… The Last Witch Hunter begins…

With the film officially underway, expect to see plenty of goods like the above still from here on out. Rose Leslie (below), Elijah Wood and Michael Caine all star in THE LAST WITCH HUNTER, which follows…

…an immortal witch hunter (Diesel) partners with his natural enemy, a female witch, to stop the covens of NYC from unleashing a plague on humanity.

Mark Canton, Bernie Goldmann and Diesel are producing the movie, while Diesel's One Race partner Samantha Vincent will executive produce with Adam Goldworm.

Published by
Ryan Miller