Categories: Movie News

First reactions to Last Jedi praise it as one of the best in the series

In less than a week, we will all be sitting in a dark theater and being whisked away to a galaxy far, far away. For some lucky journalists, who must have made some sort of deal with the devil, that time has already come, and they just got out of the premiere for STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI. Now I know some of you are probably fuming with jealous rage, but don't worry, they aren't leaving us in the dark and have already begun hitting Twitter with their reactions. Is this more FORCE AWAKENS, or more ATTACK OF THE CLONES? If the reactions are to be believed, this will go down as one of the best STAR WARS movies yet, sporting jaw-dropping visuals, tremendous performances and some of the best moments in the entire franchise. Rian Johnson, Mark Hamill and the late Carrie Fisher are getting tons of praise, and if I were a betting man, I'd say a lot of WARS fans are going to be leaving the theater with a permanent smile. Mostly because of the Porgs.

Here are some of the early reactions hitting the web now.

STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI arrives December 15

Published by
Matt Rooney