Categories: Horror Movie News

First set of stills from Cooties, starring Elijah Wood

Holy shit, it's about damn time we got to see some pics from Elijah Wood's upcoming horror-comedy COOTIES. We've had our eyes on this one for quite some time so it's nice to finally get a taste of the film. This sounds like a ridiculous little flick which basically turns asshole elementary school kids into even bigger assholes, and then we get to watch Elijah Wood beat the shit out of them… should be fun!

COOTIES was co-directed by Jonathan Millott and Cary Murnion and penned by Leigh Whannell and Ian Brennan. Right now the flick is currently gearing up for its premiere at the Sundance Film Festival.

COOTIES begins when a mysterious virus hits an isolated elementary school, transforming the pre-adolescent children into a feral swarm of mindless savages. An unlikely hero must lead a motley band of teachers in the fight of their lives against the monstrous pupils.

Elijah Wood, Rainn Wilson, Alison Pill, Jack McBrayer, Leigh Whannell, Nasim Pedrad all star.

Published by
Ryan Miller