Categories: Movie News

First Twilight pic!

Holy shit would this be thrilling if I knew who or what the hell it was. Apparently, this is the first picture of the cast of TWILIGHT, in character. The film stars Kristen Stewart (INTO THE WILD) as Bella Swan, and Robert Pattinson (HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHEONIX) as Dude With A Freakishly Big Head. My powers of research tell me that TWILIGHT is the story of a teenage girl (Stewart) who risks everything when she falls in love with vampire (Pattinson). It is based on the phenomenally popular novel of the same name by Stephanie Meyer.

I’m sorry this story happens to have dropped to me to write, but the swashbuckling life that comes with being a devilishly handsome railway bandit with nothing to lose doesn’t leave much time for novels. Maybe you good fellows could do my job and tell us all if this thing is gonna be good.

Published by
James Thoo