Categories: Horror Movie News

First two stills of Vincent Cassel as The Monk, depraved murderer extraordinaire!

Y’all recall Mr. Pacheco bringing to light a cool sounding flick starring Vincent Cassel called THE MONK, based on Matthew Lewis’ novel? No? Same here. Hell, it was almost a year ago!

Well, it seems the thriller has finally wrapped…and we’ve got a pair of production stills to somewhat prove it. Cassel looks as menacing as ever, the hooded robe certainly doesn’t help. Man oh man, if the dude’s anywhere near as foul as he was in BLACK SWAN, I’m all over this movie like Ammon is a “Gossip Girls” marathon.

From director Dominik Moll (LEMMING, HARRY IS HERE TO HELP), THE MONK recounts the diabolical decline of Ambrosio (Cassel), a Capuchin superior, who succumbs first to temptations offered by a young girl who has entered his monastery disguised as a boy, and continues his descent with increasingly depraved acts of sorcery, murder, incest and torture. Combining sensationalism with acute psychological insight, this masterpiece of Gothic fiction is a powerful exploration of how violent and erotic impulses can break through the barriers of social and moral restraint.

Geraldine Chaplin, Deborah Francois, Sergi Lopez, Roxane Duran and Jordi Dauder also take part in the movie, which takes place in Madrid.

THE MONK can be seen in France on June 16th, Spain on June 24th. We’ll let you know if and when it releases wider.

Published by
Jake Dee