Categories: Movie News

Forces will collide when Taylor Lautner and Gus Van Sant make an indie movie

I love how uncomfortable the photo above makes me. Okay, so I sort of did that on purpose. But really, in what world do Taylor Lautner and Gus Van Sant decide to pair up?

Apparently this one.

Lautner is in final negotiations to star in a film directed by Van Sant. There are no major details on the indie project except that the plot is derived from a non-fiction article from The New Yorker. Lautner will serve as producer on the film as well.

Just in case you were wondering, the Stretch Armstrong movie with Lautner is still on. Have you ever opened up one of those things? Don’t get that Armstrong epoxy on your hands.

What else can I tell you? Oh. Lautner sworn that he is “determined to work only with top directors and writers from now on as he strives to define himself as an actor”. Can’t blame the kid for wanting to break out of the bestiality whispering franchise.

Van Sant and Lautner hope to start production on the indie film next year.

Published by
Niki Stephens