Categories: Movie News

Foree vs. more Dead

We got a nice heads-up from ARROW fan Djordje about a flick that I’m pretty sure I knew nothing about: ZONE OF THE DEAD. Yes, it’s another zombie film, but it’s got an ace up its sleeve: Ken Foree! If you don’t know who he is by sight or name, then get the hell outta here!

Now that they’re gone, I can tell you what this chomper is about: A police-escorted prisoner transport supervised by Interpol sets off to Belgrade. The route leads the transport through Pancevo, where they encounter an ecological disaster and infected people who are trying to kill them. Interpol agents Mortimer Reyes (Ken Foree) and Mina Milius (Kristina Klebe, HALLOWEEN)soon realize that their only chance for escape from the zombie hordes lies in allying with the dangerous, mysterious prisoner (Emilio Roso).

ZONE OF THE DEAD is currently shooting in Serbia, under the direction of Milan Konjevic and Milan Todorovic. IMDB says it will be released there this December, so hopefully we’ll get a look at it shortly thereafter…

Thanks, Djordje!

Published by
Eric Walkuski