Categories: Movie News

Forget Me Not clips

The latest High School revenge flick FORGET ME NOT is set to premiere tonight at L.A.’s Screamfest, and to get ready for the flick’s debut, Screamfest has released two brand new clips from the film, which you check out below.

Neither clip is to die for, or all that exciting, but like good clips, they tease you into wanting to see more without revealing all the good stuff. Two clips in, and it doesn’t feel like you’ve seen the entire movie thus far.

Directed by Tyler Oliver and starring Carly Schroeder, Cody Linley, and Brie Gabrielle, FORGET ME NOT goes a little something like this: It’s graduation weekend and Sandy Channing, the popular class president of her high school, should be enjoying the time of her life. But when her friends start disappearing, Sandy discovers they have unwittingly awakened the vengeful spirit of a girl they wronged long ago. As each victim dies, all trace of their existence is mysteriously erased. They are forgotten by everyone except Sandy, who must unlock a dark secret from her own past before it’s too late.

We just caught the trailer earlier this week, and now with these two clips, I’m pretty much sold. Hope it knocks the audience out tonight at the premiere, enough to land a release date in theaters or on DVD soon!

For more information on Screamfest, head over THIS WAY.

Published by
Ammon Gilbert