Categories: JoBlo Originals

Freddy’s Nightmares (1988 – 1990): Horror TV Shows We Miss

A new episode of our Horror TV Shows We Miss video series has been released on the JoBlo Horror Videos YouTube channel, and in this one we’re reminiscing about the Nightmare on Elm Street television series Freddy’s Nightmares, which aired from 1988 to 1990. Check out the video embedded above to dive into the show with us!

Robert Englund appeared in full Freddy Krueger mode in every episode of Freddy’s Nightmares, in which

Freddy, the dream serial killer, hosts an anthology of stories set in Springwood.

Although I was born in the 1980s, I still managed to become a dedicated horror fan by the time the decade ended, so I remember watching Freddy’s Nightmares on some of the nights when my grandmother would babysit me. I haven’t gone back to many of the episodes in the thirty-plus years since the show went off the air, but at least it provided me with some pleasant childhood memories when it was around.

Directors who contributed to Freddy’s Nightmares include Tobe Hooper, Mick Garris, Tom McLoughlin, Ken Wiederhorn, William Malone, Gilbert Adler, and Dwight H. Little, and one of the most notable cast members to show up along the way was Brad Pitt, earning one of his earliest screen credits.

The Horror TV Shows We Miss series is all about taking a

nostalgic look back at the genre series that marked us while growing up and that helped shape our love of horror today.

This episode was Written and Narrated by Niki Minter, Edited by Mike Sprague, Produced by John Fallon, and Executive Produced by Berge Garabedian.

Previous episodes of Horror TV Shows We Miss have covered the classic shows MonsterVision, Twin Peaks, Tales from the Crypt, and The X-Files. A few of those episodes can be seen below. If you’d like to see more, and check out the other shows we have to offer, head over to the JoBlo Horror Videos YouTube channel – and subscribe while you’re there!

Published by
Cody Hamman