Categories: Horror Movie News

Friday the 13th: 3-D by Nick Antosca – The Horror Movie That Almost Was

Back in 2013, Warner Bros. handed complete control of the Friday the 13th franchise over to Paramount for a period of five years. Back in the good old days, Paramount would have pumped out five sequels in that window of time, but instead we got zero new Friday the 13th movies, as Paramount just wasted those years developing script after script. The best of the bunch was a screenplay written by Nick Antosca – and in the new episode of our The Horror Movie That Almost Was video series, we dig into the Antosca draft to imagine what his Friday the 13th would have been like.

Antosca's script wasn't perfect, it definitely needed some revisions, and in the video embedded above we point out some of its flaws. But it would have been fun to see a movie with a version of that script as its foundation. Now there's no telling when we'll ever have another chance at seeing another Friday the 13th, since the franchise rights are bogged down in a lawsuit between the original film's screenwriter Victor Miller and director/producer Sean S. Cunningham. 

The Horror Movie That Almost Was series focuses on 

the various horror projects that could never seem to get things off the ground, be it for budgetary concerns, creative differences, or just an ever evolving Hollywood landscape. We dive into every aspect and see just how close these films had come to cameras rolling.

This episode was Written, Narrated, and Edited by Tyler Nichols, Produced by John Fallon, and Executive Produced by Berge Garabedian.

Some previous episodes of The Horror Movie That Almost Was can be seen below. To see more, head over to the JoBlo Horror Videos YouTube channel!

Published by
Cody Hamman