Categories: Movie News

Fun Knocked Up clips

been a loooong time since I’ve heard so much positive buzz
about a film so long before its release, but KNOCKED
has been generating extremely positive reviews for months now
(including our very own review HERE
and Rotten Tomatoes HERE),
and now that it’s only a few days before its release (opens this
Friday, June 1st), the anticipation has reached a crescendo (I
always wanted to use that word in a story). Anyway, unless something
goes terribly awry, it appears as though Universal has yet another
massive Apatow comedic hit on their hands, and if this DELETED
has anything to say about it, it sure looks like a winner
to me. You can also check out about 8 clips from the film right HERE.
We’ll be running some interviews with the cast and crew this coming
week, so stay tuned for all that. Rogen rocks.

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