Categories: Movie News

Gaiman not for Hill 2

With news that SILENT HILL 2 would be getting a looksee, I’m pretty sure that I wasn’t the only person excited with the news, especially with the prospect of Neil Gaiman writing the script with Roger Avery. Or so we all thought.

Turns out that it was a rumour after all, as the man himself (Gaiman) dispelled the rumour on his blog. “I’m afraid that I don’t think I am — I mean, it’s the first thing I’ve ever heard of it, and I’m sure that if they make a sequel Roger [Avery] would want to write it himself.” Ah well, I guess we’ll take consolation in that Gaiman wrote the script for BEOWULF (due out next year). Hopefully once the sequel gets underway, we find more out on it.

Just for the heck of it, here’s the awesome end credit sequence for the film.

Published by
Pat Torfe