Categories: Movie News

Gent. Broncos poster

Have you been severely lacking in offbeat indie comedy for a while now? Well Jared Hess hears you, and that’s why he’s back for the third time (after NAPOLEON DYNAMITE and NACHO LIBRE) to bring you GENTLEMAN BRONCOS. Here’s a look at the first poster for the film, which follows a young homeschooler (Michael Angarano) who writes a book that gets ripped off by a famed novelist (“Flight of the Conchords” star Jemaine Clement).

Feel free to theorize about the flock of bizarre characters that populate the edges of the poster. And I know the man directed NAPOLEON, but is it really necessary to copy and paste the actual lettering from that poster to this one? It stands out more than the actual title of the film.

Published by
Paul Tassi