Categories: Movie News

Geoff Johns says Aquaman is a priority for the future of DC

Playing the game INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US the other day, I was struck by how friggin awesome Aquaman is in the game. His scenes are badass and his finishing move is one of the coolest of any character. But, it still struck me that he works as a supporting character, like Green Arrow or Cyborg, but I could see him carrying his own movie if it was setup similarly to THOR.

DC Entertainment’s Chief Creative Officer, Geoff Johns, spoke with Variety about the King of Atlantis and how he plays into the plans for DC:

“He’s a priority character for the company… He became a little bit of a joke… Suddenly, he was nobody’s favorite super hero… He’s a character that we talk quite a bit about… There is no doubt in my mind that this is one of the most well-known characters among super-heroes, and in popular culture.”

Aquaman became a recurring plot element on the series ENTOURAGE where a film version was directed by James Cameron. It is entirely possible to make a cool Aquaman movie, but I would think DC needs to ensure the planned JUSTICE LEAGUE movie works before going that route. There had been plans for a television series about Aquaman on The CW that didn’t pan out. That network has struck gold with their ARROW series and an upcoming series for The Flash is likely going to do well. Not to mention the Gotham PD/Commissioner Gordon series floating our there in development. DC seems suited for the small screen, but I can see Aquaman fitting in nicely in the JUSTICE LEAGUE movie as the DC equivalent of Thor. He comes from a line of mythical beings, has god-like powers, and doesn’t fit in well with humans.

I think if they want to get it right, use the INJUSTICE model for Aquaman and you can’t go wrong. Especially if he feeds people to sharks.

Published by
Alex Maidy