Categories: Movie News

George Clooney’s Suburbicon shows off new stylish poster

Now, I can't say that I personally understand the quiet desperation of suburban life, as I was so poor that the kind of neighborhoods I lived in were less "where no one locks their doors" and more "don't walk past 10 pm because of drive-bys and tweekers". However, I have to say that I sometimes have a weird fascination with films that deal with that malaise of suburbia for one reason or another – ala THE ICE STORM, AMERICAN BEAUTY, and FARGO. So it is with that fascination that I'm curious about George Clooney's upcoming directorial effort SUBURBICON from an old script by The Coen Brothers which looks to satirize that facet of Americana.

People adapting Coen Brothers has been a mixed bag, as their voice is so specific and mercurial that oftentimes filmmakers have a hard time reigning in that kind of tone. Let's hope Clooney is up to the challenge. Either way, here's a new poster for the film:

It looks nice, but makes it look more like a political thriller than the dark comedy it's been marketed up till now. I hope that tonal dissonance in the advertisements isn't indicative of a tonal disparity in the film itself. I guess we'll see when it comes out.

Meanwhile, SUBURBICON will hit theaters bloody October 27th.

Published by
Damion Damaske