Categories: Movie News

Get ready for Black Dynamite 2 and 3 (but without Black Dynamite)

While GRINDHOUSE failed at the box office, it certainly invigorated the exploitation genre. Two of the best were MACHETE and BLACK DYNAMITE. While MACHETE KILLS will be a direct sequel to the first film, BLACK DYNAMITE star Michael Jai White says the two sequels will take a different approach.

White recently told this to CraveOnline: “What Byron [Minns] and I always intended is we always thought from the beginning of a trilogy, Black Dynamite being one of a trilogy that would occur in that time period that starred essentially the same cast. We have some really funny ideas of other movies that are in that real vibrant time period. We’re trying to decide which would be the next step to do in that trilogy.”

So, rather than a BLACK DYNAMITE trilogy, we would get a Seventies Trilogy. There were so many awesome exploitation sub-genres back then, they could almost do anything for the follow up.

I thoroughly enjoyed BLACK DYNAMITE, in some ways more than MACHETE. While Robert Rodriguez played his film dead serious, BLACK DYNAMITE has pure fun with the material. Michael Jai White looks so much like Richard Roundtree, it just makes me smile when I see him kicking ass on the screen. While the sequels will more than likely not get big screen releases, I anticipate checking them out the moment they hit bluray.

Published by
Alex Maidy