Categories: Movie News

Ghostbusters: Afterlife – What Did You Think?

I’ve been singing the praises of Jason Reitman’s Ghostbusters: Afterlife ever since I saw it back in the summer at CinemaCon in Vegas. To me, it’s a smart continuation of the franchise that pays homage to the original while still doing its own thing by introducing a new generation of Ghostbusters, led by Mckenna Grace’s Phoebe in a star-making role. There’s Stranger Things star Finn Wolfhard, the great Carrie Coon, the newly minted “sexiest man alive” Paul Rudd, and a terrific score by Rob Simonsen, which sounds like Elmer Bernstein scored the film from beyond the grave!

Indeed, it seemed reverse engineered to appeal to the same fans who hated the Paul Feig, all-female reboot, although surprisingly, the critical reaction has been mixed. Some critics say it’s almost too faithful to the original, which strikes me as a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” proposition. Currently, the film sits at a so-so 62% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Ah well, at the end of the day, what the critics think doesn’t matter. Now’s the time for fans to have their say, and given how vocal folks were when the Feig film came out, I’m indeed curious to see what the consensus is. Did you all like the new cast? How was Paul Rudd? Was there enough fan service, or was there too much? Let us know in the comments below!

In the meantime, check out my interviews from the Ghostbusters: Afterlife junket!

Published by
Chris Bumbray