Categories: Movie News

Give us your box office predictions for this blockbuster of a summer!

Every year the studios release movies in the May-August window that they hope will add some serious coin to their coffers, while fans and audience members shell out the shekels in the hope of just having a good time.

So here’s our challenge to you, faithful reader: spell out your Top Ten Summer Box-Office Prediction List below, ranking them in order from 1-10 with 1 of course being the flick you think will earn the most money.  You don’t need to provide a dollar figure as well, just the order of placement you think these movies will end up in.  Once the movies have exhausted their theatrical release grosses we’ll bump all your rankings back up sometime in September, and you can check out how well you did!

This upcoming summer is really shaping up to be a particularly special one, with a wide variety of films on the way which appeal to all sorts of tastes. 

Some are hoping to start their own franchises (SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN, THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN), some are sequels hoping to be bigger than their original releases (THE EXPENDABLES 2, G.I. JOE: RETALIATION), some are one-offs still hoping to grab your attention and transport you to another place and time (LAWLESS, BRAVE), some are looking to be the most impressive work yet from a few of our best filmmakers (PROMETHEUS, THE DARK KNIGHT RISES), and some are already breaking records everywhere (THE AVENGERS, natch).  There are, of course, a great many movies coming out that I haven’t even mentioned here, but you can find the whole release list via the links below.





Conversely, you can find a full Summer Movie Preview compiled right here.

I for one will you give you extra Schmoe Points of Goodness if you add a pun to your posting that involves a movie releasing this summer.  Some examples include: I Will Avenge My Predictions From Last Year With This Assembled List, My Choices Have Risen, Prometheus Would Rip His Guts Out For These Picks, and What To Expect When You’re Expecting A Top Ten List Is That Mine Will Be Awesome.

Thanks for participating, check out two of our own lists and accompanying analysis via the JoBlo Podcast, and good luck!

Published by
Alejandro Stepenberg