Categories: Movie News

Gone But Not Forgotten: The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles

Flashback to 1989 and the release of INDIANA JONES & THE LAST CRUSADE. One of the most buzzed about sections of the film was the opening act, which depicted River Phoenix as a younger version of Indiana Jones – giving George Lucas the idea of spinning it off into a TV series.

In it, Indy would be played by three actors. There would be Corey Carrier playing him as a child, Sean Patrick Flanery as a teenager/young man, and finally an eyepatch wearing George Hall as the 93-year old elderly Indy. While never a major ratings success, those of us who grew up in this era have fond memories of this Lucasfilm TV series, but how does it hold up? And what's with the new, re-edited Young Indiana Jones movies? What happened to the original shows with the bookends? Get all the info in the latest episode of Gone But Not Forgotten.

Published by
Chris Bumbray