Categories: Movie News


Garbage Pail Kids. Just saying those words brings me back to the good ol’ days of my youth, trading and collecting these cards, slapping the stickers in my locker, reading the short little comics on the back, and wondering how those guys were so damn clever with the names- like Scary Larry, or Nasty Nick! Classic!

While I never saw the live action GARBAGE PAIL KIDS movie (a crying shame, I know), here’s some news about something PAIL related that none of you have seen- GARBAGE PAIL KIDS: THE ANIMATED SERIES! According to DavisDVD, Paramount Home Entertainment is looking to release the never-before seen animated series in a 2 disc DVD set April 4th. The Complete Series will include all thirteen half hour episodes that never aired on CBS in 1987. The show was slated for the Saturday Morning time slot, and was cancelled before it even had a chance to air! And now it’s here!

I know Christmas is only like 3 days away and all, but it feels like Christmas came early this year with this news! I can’t wait for April! Can you imagine all the awesome possiblities of bringing those disgustingly awesome Cabbage Patch-like kids in cartoon form! Let’s hope the reason CBS cancelled it back in ’87 was because it was just to dang gross… or too damn cool. Either way, I’ll be there first in line April 4th to score my copy!

Published by
Ammon Gilbert