Categories: Horror Movie News

Grady Hendrix’s supernatural novel Horrorstör being developed for TV

Here's a place where you can shop till you drop…dead!

Deadline is reporting that The Jackal Group, a co-venture between Fox Networks Group and Gail Berman ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Angel"), has acquired Grady Hendrix’s recently released supernatural mystery novel "Horrorstör" for development as a television series.

Designed in the format of a furniture catalog, Horrorstör is described as…

…a classic old-fashioned haunted house story set in Orsk, a Swedish-style big-box furniture superstore. Each morning, Orsk employees arrive to find broken Kjërring bookshelves, shattered Glans glassware and vandalized Liripip wardrobes — clearly, someone or something is up to no good. To unravel the mystery, five employees agree to spend a long dusk-till-dawn shift at the store, unaware of the darkness that awaits them.

So it's kind of like a haunting in an Ikea store, huh? Ok, that's just crazy enough to work. I'm now curious to check out the book, which you can pick up HERE.

Published by
Kevin Woods