Categories: Movie News

Green Lantern team bringing Green Arrow to the small screen

Say what you will about GREEN LANTERN. Seriously, say what you will. It was horrible and it deserves any and all of your derision. But that is not stopping the creative team behind the film from sinking their teeth into a new “green” superhero adaptation.

Writers Greg Berlanti and Marc Guggenheim have signed on to write and produce a TV series based on the popular (?) DC superhero Green Arrow for the CW network. The CW is owned by WB, which in turn owns DC, and you would think they’d be a little put off by the work Berlanti and Guggenheim did on what was to be the relaunch of the DC universe with GREEN LANTERN. But the studio is hoping the duo, who worked on TV previously with “Dirty Sexy Money” (cancelled), “Eli Stone” (cancelled) and “No Ordinary Family” (cancelled). So don’t worry Green Arrow fans, you’re in good hands.

Green Arrow was once thought to be a big-screen property – David Goyer and Justin Marks worked together on SUPER MAX, a film that would’ve had Arrow framed for a crime and sentenced to a maximum security prison for supervillains. That project never got off the ground and clearly WB is hoping Green Arrow can be a new “Smallville” (where, not-so-coincidentally, the character made a few guest appearances).

The series hasn’t yet received a commitment yet, just an order for a pilot. If “Wonder Woman” didn’t get picked up at NBC does “Green Arrow” have a shot?

Published by
Mike Sampson