Categories: Movie News

Guillermo Del Toro says that Pacific Rim 2 is still on the way

Yesterday news broke that Legendary Pictures had halted production on Guillermo Del Toro's sequel to PACIFIC RIM which brought up the worrying thought that the film may not even get made. Thankfully Guillermo Del Toro hasn't given up hope as he spoke with Entertainment Weekly to confirm that development on the sequel is still moving forward.

We are still turning in a screenplay and a budget in three weeks, as far as I’m concerned, it’s not gone. We’re still on it.

While this isn't exactly a confirmation that we'll see PACIFIC RIM 2 in theaters, it is good to know that the project hasn't been completely shelved at this point; however Del Toro did confirm that the news of film's release date being pushed back from August 4, 2017 was correct, but he mentioned that he "may do another movie in the middle." Hopefully that one won't end up in this situation as well. Guillermo Del Toro isn't a stranger to delays and outright cancellations, but if he ever wins several lotteries, all those abandoned projects could very well come back to life.

I can tell you this, if I was a billionaire, I would definitely do Hellboy 3, Pacific Rim 2, and At the Mountains of Madness, and I would quickly become a millionaire.

Guillermo Del Toro's next, CRIMSON PEAK, opens in theaters on October 16, 2015.

Published by
Kevin Fraser