Categories: Movie News

H2’s Bloody Scout

Alright in the past few days we’ve seen not one but two new stills for Rob Zombie’s HALLOWEEN 2 and today we’ve got another! Now most of the stills that’ve been thrown at us in anticipation for this flick are forgettable… but dare I say this one is actually pretty damn cool?

Obviously you can scope out the new still above courtesy of the Trailer Park on MySpace. It features Scout Taylor-Compton as our heroine(?) Laurie Strode. Needless to say she’s seen better days! She’s looking f*cked up! And it looks like she’s parked right in a pool of blood and dead bodies… vicious! I’m guessing we’ve got a lot of gruesome stuff like this still to look forward to in Zombie’s H2… but not in a torture porn kind of way. Awesome! I just got excited at the thought of a balls out horror flick that has got the scares and the blood… HALLOWEEN 2 is looking to deliver!

Also below I’ve thrown up a widget for H2 that Zombie threw up on his MySpace blog a little while back. Nothing amazing… just a countdown, the trailer and three videos. HALLOWEEN 2 slashes into theaters on August 28th!

Published by
Jared Pacheco