Categories: Movie News

H2’s Myers to Mezco

Yesterday alone we gave you two new HALLOWEEN 2 updates! And neither came from Rob Zombie! I know, shocker. The first update came as a brand new clip from MTV while the second came from Scout Taylor-Compton’s MySpace in the form of a new still.

Now I’ve got another update for you all… but not with the film. Mezco Toyz recently announced they’ve picked up the rights to bring us some HALLOWEEN 2 figures! They’re planning on hitting us with collectible figures and Living Dead Dolls based on the film this August, just in time for it’s release! Why is this news so intriguing? Well nobody has any idea how many different versions of Michael Myers we’ll be seeing in the movie but there’s potential to see a whole host of variations! Which means the world’s the limit for these figures!

We’ll be keeping an eye out for some shots of the figures or even some news on what we should expect. Keep it here for updates!

Published by
Jared Pacheco