Categories: Movie News

Hairspray poster

I’m not sure who demanded an $80 million remake of John Waters’ musical HAIRSPRAY, but there is one thing I’m sure of: seeing John Travolta in drag is going to give me nightmares for pretty much ever.

But I’m sure there’s an audience for that sort of horrifying imagery with lyrical accompaniment, given its success on Broadway in recent years and the fact that by the time its released on July 20th, people might be salivating for any movie that’s not a sequel. Aside from the ghastly fat-suited Travolta, it also stars Christopher Walken, still-sexy Michelle Pfeiffer, Queen Latifah and Cyclops, and was directed by Adam Shankman, previously responsible for such flavorless commerce as THE PACIFIER and BRINGING DOWN THE HOUSE.

Anyway, here’s the new poster to wake up your eyeballs with busy kitsch. (That girl stuffed down in the lower right is actually the main character, by the way. Guess she’s got a lousy agent.)

Published by
Dave Davis