Categories: Movie News

Hairspray teaser pal ElderPredator recently alerted us to a brand-spanking new teaser for the upcoming musical HAIRSPRAY. It’s a teaser in the truest sense of the word in that there’s no footage from the film shown. It’s basically just a very happy-sounding announcer running through the people in the cast while their names show up on the screen in bright, flashy colors. It’s reminiscent of the original teaser for DREAMGIRLS and look how well everything turned out for that film. Yeah? Yeah? No? The film is, of course, based on the musical of the same name, which was itself based on the 1988 John Waters film of the same name. The story centers on Tracy Turnbald who, after achieving her dream of dancing on a local TV show, becomes an overnight celebrity. Complications, hilarity and rip-roaring musical numbers ensue. Check out the teaser HERE. The film opens July 20th of next year.

Published by
Omar Aviles