Categories: Horror Movie News

Halloween Returns may start filming later than expected

When HALLOWEEN RETURNS was officially announced a couple weeks ago, it was said that the franchise recalibration from THE COLLECTOR director Marcus Dunstan and his screenwriting partner Patrick Melton would begin filming in July. This start date was seemingly confirmed by a posting on Backstage, which had the project listed as starting production on July 15th in Louisiana. The filming location made sense, since Shreveport, Louisiana was where Patrick Lussier was going to film HALLOWEEN 3D if it had happened back in 2009.

However, Bloody-Disgusting has done some further research and found that plans might have changed since the announcement was made. According to them, the July start date is not locked in, and production may not start until the fall, in a location yet to be determined, in order to accurately capture the look and feel of the Halloween season. Seems sensible to me, I think having a HALLOWEEN movie that's actually filmed during Halloween is worth waiting an extra three months.

The plot of HALLOWEEN RETURNS is said to go like this:

“Halloween Returns” will pit a new group of Haddonfield youngsters against Myers. The now 18-year-old child of one of Myers’ victims plays a central role along with the child of a cop who has long been obsessed with Myers’ case, even putting it before his own daughter.

Myers is now on Death Row and the two kids with their own personal vendettas against the killer sneak in to watch his execution. But when things go awry and Myers escapes, the pair, along with their friends, find themselves in the firing line.

It sounds like the eleventh film in the HALLOWEEN series could be ignoring all of its predecessors except for the first two films, and it may feature the return of the character Gary Hunt from HALLOWEEN II (1981).

THE COLLECTOR's Madeline Zima

Published by
Cody Hamman