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Han Solo movie set pics show Alden Ehrenreich sporting a familiar look

Now with STAR WARS movies coming out every year the long, unbearable wait between movies isn’t as difficult to fight through. For instance, after THE LAST JEDI comes out this December we only have to wait a good five months to see a young Han Solo fly around the galaxy. That’s not a long time at all, and thanks to a few shutterbugs, you don’t even have to wait another 10 seconds to get an idea of what actor Alden Ehrenreich will look like as the smuggler.

TMZ got ahold of some pics from the set, including of the star and his perfectly coiffed hair:

There’s not a ton to go on here, but as said it gives anyone curious about his overall a look an idea of where they’re going with it. There are some sweet space vehicles on set too, so there’s that. Put two and two together and you have an image of Han driving across the sands of Tatooine with his hair blowing in the wind.

From the very minimal glimpse there is you can tell they wanna stay close to the earliest look of Harrison Ford’s Solo possible, at least in terms of hair. Ehrenreich is sporting that plumage of hair that looks ever-so-charming when it’s swept off to the side. As well he looks dressed in some sort of white jacket, a far cry from the classic brown. If that's right then there's plenty that the movie will unveil, including how Solo got his fashion sense.

The still UNTITLED HAN SOLO STAR WARS ANTHOLOGY FILM is set for May 2018 with Ehrenreich, Donald Glover, Emilia Clarke, Thandie Newton and Woody Harrelson.

Published by
Matt Rooney