Categories: Horror Movie News

Happy Death Day 2U slashes onto Blu-ray this May

Blumhouse and writer-director Christopher Landon's PG-13 slasher sequel HAPPY DEATH DAY 2U (pre-order HERE) will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on this May. Special features are set to include a gag reel, a deleted scene, and more. You can check out the full list of bonus materials below and then make sure to hit us up and let us know if you plan to snag a copy of HAPPY DEATH DAY 2U on Blu-ray when it hits this May. 

Special Features:

Gag Reel

Deleted Scene

The Never-ending Birthday

Web of Love: Tree's Nightmare

Multiverse 101

The filmmakers teased a third film at the end of the second entry but since then producer Jason Blum has let us know that while HAPPY DEATH DAY 3 is not impossible, at this point it is not very likely to happen. Weak. Here's the rundowns on the two (current) tales of time-warping terror:

In Happy Death Day, Teresa "Tree" Gelbman's birthday is the worst day of her life, starting when she wakes up in a stranger's bed. It's also the last day of her life, ending when she's killed by a psychotic killer with a knife. She's dead. And then she wakes up in a stranger's bed, it's September 18, and she has to live it all over again . . . until she's hunted down and wakes up, again, and again. It's a Groundhog Day situation, only with murder, guns, and mean girls, and Tree's only shot at living to see the next day is to relive the day of her murder, over and over, until she discovers her killer's identity.

Happy Death Day 2U picks up the story without missing a beat. Tree Gelbman thought she'd finally lived to see a brand-new day. But when she wakes up on her same birthday and an all-new psychopath in a mask is out to kill her and her friends, she's going to find out that all the rules have changed. Death makes a killer comeback.

Jason Blum once again produces and Christopher Landon returns to write and direct this next chapter, while executive producers Angela Mancuso and John Baldecchi are newly joined by EP Samson Mucke. HAPPY DEATH DAY 2U starring Jessica Rothe, Israel Broussard, Phi Vu, Suraj Sharma, Sarah Yarkin, Ruby Modine, Rachel Matthews, Steve Zissis, and Jason Bayle will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on May 14, 2019.


Published by
Mike Sprague