Categories: Movie News

Harlin goes to War

I usually think of Renny Harlin as ex-husband to Geena Davis AND as the Michael Bay of the late 80s/early 90s – cars, guns, babes and lots of ‘splosions. Sometimes though films have to be about a little more than that or people turn on you, which someone (…) should read as a cautionary tale.

Harlin wants to go serious though, so much that his next project will be independently financed to be sure it’s handled by himself alone. If he has such guts to tackle a sensitive subject that needs to be addressed, then by all means do so.

The director is gearing up for a yet-untitled film on the flash-war between Russia and Georgia in August 2008. Pre-production and casting are already underway for filming to begin as soon as next month. “If only a few people see this and feel its impact and its antiwar message,” Variety reports the director as saying, “then I will have done something that’s important and I will be proud of it“. I say you can be proud of FORD FAIRLANE Renny, even if I may be the only one who loved it…

Published by
Tony Lang