Categories: Movie News

Harry Potter prequel

J.K. Rowling has decided to do fans yet another solid, having previously hand-written a specially made book of the “Tales of Beedle the Bard” featured in “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”. This time, however, she’s written an 800 word outline giving us a small glimpse into our favorite boy wizard’s time before Hogwarts that’ll be auctioned for charity next month. Start saving up now, Potter fans, because this thing is gonna sell big. And who knows, with a little nudging, perhaps Rowling could expand this thing into a full-length novel that could maybe spawn a sequel that could maybe lead to yet another Potter series! Though that was sarcasm just now, this could seriously happen. The latest in the cinematic franchise, HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE, opens November 21st.

Published by
Omar Aviles