Categories: Horror Movie News

Hell Baby adopts the funny: Rob Huebel, Paul Scheer & Riki Lindhome

Last month came the announcement that “The State” alums Thomas Lennon and Ben Gerant had adopted HELL BABY, a horror-comedy that’ll mark the writing duo’s directorial debut. Well, looks like they’re recruiting actors of the comedic type, not so much the hellish…

Variety has it that funnymen Rob Huebel, Paul Scheer (above) and Keegan Michael Key, as well as funny-woman and perennial cutie Riki Lindhome (below) – have all taken roles in HELL BABY. As you may remember, they’ll support Rob Corddry and Leslie Bibb, who play the two leads.

In fact, Rob Corddry and Leslie Bibb will star as an expectant couple that moves in to the most haunted fixer-upper in New Orleans. They call upon The Vatican’s elite exorcism team to save them from a demonic baby. Lennon and Garant will play the Vatican squad.

I’ll be honest, I like the sound of HELL BABY better than the R-rated stop motion comedy HELL & BACK. Maybe it’s the cast, maybe it’s the live-action angle. Hell, maybe it’s even the writing and directing. Hell indeed!

Production on HELL BABY – A Darko Entertainment feature – is about to start any day in New Orleans.

Published by
Jake Dee