Categories: Horror Movie News

Hellraiser reboot: Hulu now destined to open the puzzle box

It seems that streaming giant Hulu will have such sights to show us, as they will be premiering the new Hellraiser reboot from the director of The Night House (which got rave reviews at Sundance) David Bruckner, as well as the writers of that film, Ben Collins and Luke Piotrowski. The story itself will be written by David S. Goyer, and is said to be "loyal, but evolved" as compared to the original, which was about

a puzzle box that opens a gateway to a horrific world and Cenobites, mutilated beings dedicated to torture and led by one nicknamed Pinhead. The movie quickly achieved cult status, spawning a franchise that would encompass ten movies, comics, and merchandise, with Pinhead and his visage at the center of it.

This of course is not to be confused with the upcoming Hellraiser TV series on HBO Max from Halloween's David Gordon Green.

Now, the Hellraiser series is interesting, as the first one directed by Clive Barker at least, is a stone cold classic, with amazing practical creature designs, a truly creepy story, and an iconic leading villain in Pinhead. It's also one of those franchises that has a really spotty track record, quality-wise, but the first film (and even the still fun, if goofy sequel) are so great, that the series still somehow hasn't completely blown out its good will, even when Pinhead looked like this at one point:


So it's no surprise that Hollywood has been trying to get this one remade, as it did other classic 80s horror franchises ala Friday the 13th and (ugh) Nightmare on Elm Street. This one has had a bit rougher go of it, however, but hopefully turns out better than those two did.

So what do you guys think? You excited for the possibility of more Hellraiser on screen? Or is this another series that should be left in Hell? Either way, sound off below!

Published by
Damion Damaske