Categories: Movie News

Hills 2 pitch contest

Fox Atomic is running a pretty cool contest as part of their promotional campaign for THE HILLS HAVE EYES 2. All you have to do is create a music video for the band Chevelle (who’s featured in the film) using pics and clips from the movie and you’ll win a chance to have a Fox Atomic exec laugh at your space epic about hyper-intelligent otters (i.e. you get to pitch an idea). If nothing else, you also win enough cash to buy the requisite booze to drown the pain of your crushed dreams. And in case anyone’s wondering, the poster below is a new Spanish language version, the title of which literally translates to THE WAKING OF THE DEVIL and the tagline of which translates to “There are worse places than Hell”. Get the details of the contest HERE or by clicking on that slammin’ hottie’s muddied face. THE HILLS HAVE EYES 2 opens March 23rd.

Published by
Omar Aviles