Categories: Movie News

Horrible news of the day: Katy Perry is interested in playing Rachael in Blade Runner 2

Pop star Katy Perry is out promoting THE SMURFS 2 (she does the voice of Smurfette), but the singer is interested in live-action roles as well and in an interview with The Metro she drops this bit of information on our heads that is sure to make some fans of BLADE RUNNER blow a mental gasket:

With films, I hope to win you all over with animation and then do other films. I am really interested in comedy, and I would really love to play Rachael in Blade Runner 2, if Ridley would just call! I think I'd enjoy playing the opposite of what you expect.

Normally I don't have a problem a singer or musician trying their hand at acting, but I dislike Katy Perry's music and her personality. Sure she does look a bit like the character (and has some sweet boobs), but that's it. We have no idea if Sean Young's character from BLADE RUNNER will even appear in the movie since there have been so little plot details released for the planned sequel, but if she does Katy Perry is the last f*cking person I want to play the part. This probably has no chance of happening, but I still find it fairly terrifying and I hope Ridley Scott is smart and does not give Perry a call. Ever.

Published by
Jesse Giroux