Categories: Horror Movie News

Horror host Svengoolie to meet DC characters in October comic series

I love hosted movie shows, especially when those shows prominently feature horror movies. I grew up watching the likes of Joe Bob Briggs, USA Up All Night, Elvira, Commander USA, and local hosts Big Chuck and Lil' John on television. These days I watch most hosted shows online – The Mummy and the Monkey, The Late Dr. Lady Show, Popcorn Fodder, Midnite Mausoleum, Joe Bob Briggs on Shudder, etc. But there's still one show I catch on TV whenever possible; Svengoolie, which airs nationwide Saturday nights on MeTV.

Rich Koz has been hosting the Svengoolie show since 1979, and since his show began airing on MeTV in 2011 he has become more popular than ever. He's so popular, in fact, that he'll be crossing paths with DC Comics character this October in a special series called Svengoolie Meets the DC Universe.

A collaboration between Koz, writer/DC publisher Dan DiDio, and artist Chris Jones, Svengoolie Meets the DC Universe is produced in partnership with MeTV and 

will run as a series of two-page “chapters” in various DC comic books throughout October. 

These two-page inserts will appear in DC comic books weekly in October.

DiDio had the idea to do this crossover not only because he's a Svengoolie super-fan, but also because horror is big business in comic books these days. DC's biggest seller this year was a zombie title called DCeased, and the company is also launching a line of horror comics from Joe Hill called Hill House Comics.

ScreenRant was able to interview Kox and DiDio about the project, and also got a hold of some sample pages, which can be seen below and show Svengoolie bumping into Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, The Joker, and Harley Quinn… and also facing off with giant rubber chickens. Fans of the Svengoolie show will understand the rubber chicken thing.

DiDio and Koz will be appearing together on a special panel at the New York Comic Con on Friday, October 4th. They'll be promoting Svengoolie Meets the DC Universe as well as celebrating Koz's 40th anniversary as Svengoolie. 

Published by
Cody Hamman