Categories: Movie News

Hot Rod Trailer

We here over at are looking mighty forward to the upcoming Andy Samberg comedy HOT ROD. Re-reading the previous sentence and the words ‘Andy’ ‘Samberg’ and ‘comedy’ side-by-side-by-side just looks right. That’s because in the last year or so, with all the SNL digital shorts (DICK IN A BOX, DEAR SISTER) that have been dominating the world wide internet, Samberg’s name has become synonymous with the genre of laughter.

Today we’ve got the latest trailer for Samberg’s debut film HOT ROD, to be released this August, and which is bound to transform Samberg into the mega comedy star us internet addicts already know he is. The trailer does a good job at flexing Samberg’s comedic quads and proves that this kid is for realskies. AnSam plays a daredevil desperate to impress his pessimistic father (Ian McShane) and of course, kid’s not as good as he thinks he is (if he was, it wouldn’t be funny). Check the trailer out HERE.

Published by
Ben Barna