Categories: Movie News

Hotties join Owen Wilson’s Hall Pass comedy

Christina Applegate, Alyssa Milano and Vanessa Angel have all signed on to co-star in the upcoming Farrelly Brothers comedy HALL PASS, which is scheduled to begin filming next week. In the film, Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis star as two buddies who get a pass from their wives (Jenna Fischer and Applegate) for one week or extramarital sex. The duo quickly learn they’ve been out of the single game for too long and picking up chicks isn’t as easy as they thought.

HALL PASS is Applegate’s first film since announcing she had breast cancer in August of 2008 and underwent a successful double mastectomy to remove the cancer from her system. (In a not-so-classy move, ABC canceled her series “Samantha Who” while she was in recovery.)

While it wasn’t revealed what roles Milano and Angel would be playing, I’m going to guess that they’re women the two guys try to hook up with on the side. HALL PASS is a project the Farrellys took on while they waited for their long-in-the-tooth THREE STOOGES film to finally materialize. The brothers wrote the script with Pete Jones and Kevin Barnett and were able to bring all the players together quickly for a spring start in Atlanta.

Published by
Mike Sampson