Categories: Movie News

Hysterical Psycho trlr.

I knew that I had to post something on this new horror indie the second I finished reading its trailer’s tagline: Terrifying… Hilarious… Possibly Retarded… Gripping… Awkward… Dirty… Clean… F*cked Up… Nauseating… Titillating… It even goes on with a few more choice adjectives from there, but I figured you’d get the picture. The flick is called HYSTERICAL PSYCHO and it is premiering at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival in the “Midnight” lineup. It looks like loads of freakin’ fun. Check the official synopsis:

In this side-splitting horror send-up, a theater troupe takes a trip to a country cabin, but its nearby lake is full of lunar radiation, and one of the troupe members is straight-up crazy. Put them together and you get one psycho thespian! Full of bloody, fun-filled kills, a deaf-mute chick, and some big boobs, Hysterical Psycho is a helluva trip.

How can ya beat all that?! Could we ask for anything more? You could say “color”, but I have a feeling that “filmed in black & white” fits this particular bastard. It was written and directed by Dan Fogler, who is one pretty funny dude (he was in BALLS OF FURY). The cast is composed of Noah Bean, Lennon Parham, Kelly Hutchinson, Sarah Saltzberg, and Randy Baruh. If you can’t make it out to Tribeca, then you must watch the trailer directly below. Enjoy!

Published by
Mike Catalano