Categories: Movie News

If Logan’s Run goes well, Nicolas Winding Refn could get the chance to do Wonder Woman

Nicolas Winding Refn still wants to make a Wonder Woman film. He still wants to put Christina Hendricks in the lead role. All of this could be possible if Refn hits it out of the park with his remake of LOGAN’S RUN.

When The Playlist spoke with the director at Empire Big Screen in London, they learned that he’s getting closer and closer to the project:

“I would love to make ‘Wonder Woman.’ And I also think that Christina Hendricks would be the perfect Wonder Woman, but Warner Bros haven’t called yet. But I’m getting closer with ‘Logan’s Run.’ I think someone said to me in a meeting that if I get ‘Logan’s Run’ right, then I’ll get ‘Wonder Woman.’”

Everything is hanging on by an “if”. There’s no doubt in my mind that Refn’s Wonder Woman would be much better than that disaster of a show David E. Kelley tried to pull off. I’d be willing to let him have the chance. BRONSON was freaking excellent, DRIVE looks like it’s going to be great, and as for LOGAN’S RUN…I have no idea. We’ll see if it all pans out in Refn’s favor.

Published by
Niki Stephens