Categories: Horror Movie News

Indie slasher Isabelle drops some intriguing new stills filled with masks & hotties

Here at AITH we like to keep our eyes open for intriguing indie flicks out there. Now-a-days a lot of awesome horror comes from these lesser-known films so it’s our sworn duty to keep an eye out for any genre flick with potential. That brings me to ISABELLE.

Described as an ‘apocalyptic slasher film’ and coming at us courtesy of Dead Lantern Pictures, ISABELLE’s rundown reads a little something like this:

The legend of Isabelle Wakeworth was born in the summer of 1952 when her father carved out her eyes with a broken lightbulb. Institutionalized, Izzy soon escaped and took her revenge on her own family, murdering thirteen people before her own sister was able to stop her for good. Now, 60 years later, a mysterious darkness has begun swallowing the earth bringing monsters in its wake. Isabelle Wakeworth has been reborn and she’s found a new group family members to hack, slice, dice, and eviscerate!

Alright. I can see some potential here. To help give you a better idea of what we have with ISABELLE we’ve gone and scored nearly a dozen stills from the flick, all of which can be found by scrolling above and below. So what do you say? Get scrolling and check that shite out!

If you head on over to you’ll actually be able to follow along with the filming of ISABELLE right up until it’s September wrap date via the flick’s Splattercast podcast. Pretty cool, right? The DVD/Blu-Ray release, which is expected in Early 2013, will include both color and black and white versions of the film.

Starring Desiree Cade, Jeremy Cech, Steve Eaton, Julia Farrell, Chris Muckey, and Maddy Griep as our titular slasher, there’s no telling when we might see a release for ISABELLE but you can bet we’ll keep our eyes on this one and as soon as more updates roll our way we’ll be right here to tell you about them.

Published by
Jared Pacheco