Categories: Horror Movie News

Info and pic from Blair Witch director Eduardo Sanchez’s latest, Lovely Molly

One of the co-directors of THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, Eduardo Sanchez, has a new film completed called LOVELY MOLLY, and we’ve got some goods from it to share with you: The gooey pic you see above, which was put out there by the Toronto International Film Festival, as well as an official synopsis, which you can read below.

When newlywed Molly Reynolds returns to her long-abandoned family home, frightful reminders of a nightmarish childhood begin seeping into her new life. She soon begins an inexorable descent into evil that blurs the lines between psychosis and possession.

Johnny Lewis and Alexandra Holden (pictured below) star in this flick, which is premiering at the Toronto International Film Festival next month. Hopefully some distribution news will follow.

Sanchez is currently working on a film about Bigfoot for LOVELY MOLLY producers Amber Entertainment.

Published by
Eric Walkuski