Categories: Movie News

INT: Christopher Lambert

The Arrow


not every day that you get to interview one of your influences but
today was my day. Christopher Lambert has always been one of my
favorites. When I was in Theatre school, I couldn’t get enough of
his movies. Flicks like “Subway”, “Greystoke”,
“The Sicilian” and of course, “Highlander”. I
looked up to him and never stopped following his career. Christopher
took the time to talk to The Arrow and here’s how it turned out…

Has the business side of “acting” tarnished the craft over
the years? Is it still fun for you?

Acting is still, of course, what I love
to do most.
The beauty of it is that by changing characters, it never gets boring.

2- Congratulations on
a very solid film. You have a story credit on that one. What inspired you to write such a twisted tale? Did the movie
“Seven” have anything to do with it?

you. The story credit was actually given to me because I came up with the idea but I didn’t write the script.
That was done by Brad Mirman. Regarding “Seven”, that is a question that should be answered by Russell
Mulcahy, the director.

3- The original “Highlander” is one
of my all-time favorites. Highlander 4 is coming out soon. What can fans expect with this new entry?

Because we had number 2 and 3, we
were allowed to do a number
4 (or HL:Endgame) and we were able to not only go back to an action movie but also
reflect strongly on the joys and the pains of immortality. The first
fight sequences are probably the best ever and the story line is
probably the strongest since HL1.

Throughout your career, what would you say was your biggest

Nothing was really
disappointing. When something is passed over, you can’t do anything about
it, so you might as well look at it in a
positive way.

Of all the parts you have played, which one do you hold closer to your

“Greystoke” because it was
my first big movie but I’ve also got lots of feelings for “Highlander”,
“Subway”, “Nirvana” and “Gideon”.

6- I checked out your
, liked it a lot…very
friendly. What was the main reason you decided to hop on board the Internet train?

it’s done with pleasure and a fun attitude, it’s a great way to communicate with your fans. I’m glad you
like the site.

7- Apart from the
next Highlander, what can we expect from Christopher Lambert in the near

I finished an epic in the vain of Braveheart called
“Druids” (or “Vercingetorix” in France) which is the story of the first king
of France: Vercingetorix, who unified his country battling against
Caesar in 52 B.C. Sony pictures has the U.S. distribution rights. After
that, I’ve finished a political thriller called “Point Men” directed by
John Glen.

POINT MEN: What kind of part do you play in the film? What kind of
preparation did you do for the role? What we can expect
from that film, any crazy action sequences? Intense drama?

I play a secret
agent, a killer from the Israeli secret service (the Mossad) and I’m a
“Point Man”, which is in secret agent language…a close range killer. As
usual, a few gymnastics and martial arts. There is a lot of action
scenes, guns, trains, motorcycles sequences. There is also a very spectacular
car and train sequence.

this a film that will appeal to an American audience?
What part do you play? Does it have a love story in it? What kind of
release will the film get in the US? Please don’t tell me it’s going
straight to tape (having “Resurrection” go straight to video in the US was
a sin).

Yes, it’s a movie that was shot in English
as well as in French. We did a full English version because we wanted
this big epic in the vain of Braveheart to be attractive to an America
audience as well as to the rest of the world. I’m what you could call
the first king of France in 52 B.C. and I’m trying to save my country
against Julius Caesar. There is a beautiful love story, very romantic
and very sad in some ways. The love interest is played by the beautiful Ines
Sastre. I don’t know about
the distribution of the film because it is currently in post production but
it will more than likely be released sometime next year
through Sony Pictures.

10- You’re a very busy man, what
do you do to relax?

I work.

11- Any advice for the struggling
actor out there?

The most important
thing is to be passionate and
ready to accept the pains that sometimes go along with the business.

12- What are some of your favorite scary

Shining”, “Rosemary’s Baby”, “Evil Dead” and

They’re can be only one…Christopher Lambert. Thanks a bundle, dude
and come back anytime. Not only is the man a wonderful actor but he’s
also a true gentleman with an obvious affection for his fans. All
you Lambert fans should check out his site at:

It’s a
wonderful site that will have you surfing through it for hours. Now my
next goal in life is to one day share a scene with the man. Watch out
Christopher, I’m coming…

Published by
The Arrow