Categories: Movie News

INT: Clive Owen

Having achieved notable stardom and praise in his native


, Clive Owen splashed onto the American scene with 1996’s THE RICH
MAN’S WIFE. He continued making waves with various parts in
films. However, it is within the last few years in which he wowed
audiences with his outstanding performances in SIN CITY, CLOSER,
DERAILED and CHILDREN OF MEN. Reinforcing his long list of beautiful
leading ladies, the highly acclaimed actor teams up with the sexy
Monica Bellucci, talented Paul Giamatti and director Michael Davis
to kick some major butt in the upcoming action packed thriller SHOOT

The much-anticipated film stars Owen as a loner named Mr.
Smith, who delivers a woman’s baby during a shootout whom he must
then protect from a dangerous and relentless villain. Given my
weakness for handsome Brits, I was discernibly ecstatic for the
opportunity to meet the sexy, charismatic actor. With a stomach full
of butterflies and anxious enthusiasm, I sat down for an exclusive
one on one
with Clive Owen during this year’s San Diego
Comic Con (we’ll also have a video interview with him closer to the
film’s release). Surprisingly better looking in person, it was a
challenge to restrain from feeling utterly captivated by his rugged
good looks and radiant hazel green eyes. Check out what Owen had to
say about his latest adrenaline driven flick.


Can you talk a little
bit about your upcoming role in SHOOT ‘EM UP?

I play a passive man with no name, no history and you don’t
really know what he’s doing, but he sort of gets involved with
this woman and protection of her baby. There’s one crazy shoot out
after another and he’s going to do everything he can to protect
this little baby.

Did you do your own
stunt work?

I did a hell of a lot in this, yeah. Michael Davis’ thing
about the way he wants to shoot action is that he wants to actually
make you feel like you are the guy, you know.
He doesn’t work to keep going wild and let people double
you because he wants to be in the thick of it.
That often means coming in close so you feel like you are the
guy doing the shoot, doing the action, doing the thing. So, he
wanted me to do as much as I could.
It was a very physical shoot. I mean there are some huge
action pieces in it.

What was the most
challenging stunt you had to perform on the set?

Skydiving – I was hanging from wires and it was physically

What was it like on the
set filming the action scenes on a day-to-day basis?

We had to be prepared, organized and disciplined.
We moved faster in our work from day to day than on any other
set I’ve ever been on. With
the amount of action that’s in the film, we had to use speed to
nail the scenes and move on.

You’ve been involved
in other action films before.

Nothing like this, nothing like this before.
It’s nonstop action from beginning to end.
There was so much to do.
I really enjoyed that.

What would you say
about the intense violence in the film?

This is movie violence and there is no relation to my real
life or real things.

It’s great action for a total cinematic experience.

You are the envy of
many men for starring opposite Monica Bellucci. Can you talk about
your experience with her?

She’s fantastic. I
mean the casting was great and Monica was like fantastic in the
movie. We’ve got a very good thing going.
She’s playing a hooker that I hook up with to help her with
her baby. Then we become this weird little family sort of, and we
get involved in this shoot out. Paul Giamatti is fantastic in it as

Where did you film

In Toronto.

That’s where I’m
from! How did you like

Yeah, yeah, I had a great time! I was there for a few months.

What are you working on

I’m working on a big political thriller with German
director Tom Tykwer called THE INTERNATIONAL.
It’s about the corruption, which I’m trying to expose of
a big bank. It’s a big
political thriller.

Which film would you
say you’ve had the most fun shooting to date?

It’s always the film I’m shooting.
I get to a film and I’m quickly excited by it at the time.
So, it’s always the one I’m shooting. I really have no

You were a big star in
the UK long before you were one here in the US.
Are you surprised at the level of stardom you’ve achieved?

I mean I’ve been having the time of my life the last few
years but I never think about that.
As a consequence, for me, it’s always related to the work
in some ways. I’ve
been having some amazing opportunities.
Am I surprised by that? I have to pinch myself sometimes. In
the last few years, the caliber of directors I’ve worked with is
beyond what I could have dreamed.

What would do you think
about being considered a big sex symbol?

Well anyone who considers themselves a sex symbol has got
some serious problems.

You’ve been
privileged to work with some of the most talented people in
Hollywood. With whom do
you still wish to work?

There are lots and lots. The beauty of this game is that
because there are no rules. Everyone is coming from their own place.
There are so many talented people in different ways, directors,
actors and actresses that in future time would be a pleasure to work
with. Too many to mention.

No specific names?

No, not really. The people that I have been working with are
as good as it gets for me.

Is this your first time
at the Comic Con?


What are you looking
forward to doing or seeing?

I’ve heard quite a lot about it through and I know Frank
Miller quite well. So, I know he’s treated like a bit of a god
around here and they did a launch of SIN CITY, which I didn’t come
to, but I’ve heard a lot about it from him.
So from everything I’ve heard listening to Michael [Davis]
who’s been here as a fan, it’s the perfect place to watch movies
and it’s good being here.

Have you had any kind
of weird fan encounter yet?

Not yet, not yet. I’m looking forward to some.

If you had the
opportunity to play a comic book character, who would it be?

I have no idea, really I have no idea.
I have no favorite. I’m not really a comic book guy.
I never really got into that when I was a kid.

you had a small part where you portrayed a version of James Bond. Do
you aspire to play the ‘real’ James Bond someday?

No, that was just something I did because it was really
funny. It was very witty
and Steve Martin is a genius so I went and did that.

What is the strangest
thing that has happened to you as an actor in your day-to-day life?

I’ve had actually more than once a fan come up to me in the
street, and say, “hey you are the guy from so and so” and then
mention something I’ve done and go, ”I really didn’t like
that!” The fans are quick to tell you when they like something and
when they don’t like something.

Published by
Jenny Karakaya