Categories: Movie News

Interview: Eva Mendes from The Other Guys

No stranger to being sassy and sexy, Eva Mendes turns on the comedic charm in the upcoming film
. While her co-stars — action vet Mark Wahlberg and former SNL mainstay Will Ferrell — stay in hot pursuit of white-collar felons in the finance-heavy (and Michael-Keaton cameoing) film, it’s up to Mendes to play the criminally hot Dr. Sheila Gamble, wife to Ferrell’s
Det. Gamble. Sitting down to chat with Mendes on a hotel rooftop overlooking downtown L.A., it was a treat to find out first-hand just how nice, charming, and — there’s no way around it — absolutely gorgeous she is. It was also easy to see her enthusiasm as she talked about her love of
ANCHORMAN and the fun she had finally joining a Ferrell film in a prominent role (she had a small part in 1998’s SNL-spinoff
A NIGHT AT THE ROXBURY), as her dog Hugo (no relation to LOST’s Hurley) lay patiently at her feet.
So check out what Mendes had to say ignore my being blinded by both her beauty and the sun in my eyes.

Published by
Genevieve Blaber