Categories: Movie News

Interview: Killer Joe Star Matthew Mcconaughey!

Can we just take a breather and reflect on how damn great Matthew Mcconaughey has been lately? In the past two years we’ve seen him reunite with Richard Linklater in BERNIE, we’ve seen him hop in bed with Steven Sodernbergh for MAGIC MIKE, team up with indie favorite Jeff Nichols for MUD and now he’s getting his crazy on with the king of sensation, William Friedkin for KILLER JOE… Wow.

When I came in to talk to Matthew about his oscar worthy (you heard that right) portrayal of Joe Cooper, he looked a bit more frail than I imagined he’d be. It was only later that I learned he was actually in the middle of shedding some pounds for a character with HIV in THE DALLAS BUYERS CLUB. Yes, it seems the days of posters with Matthew leaning on ladies back-to-back are behind us. Check out his take on this new chapter in life as well as his thoughts on the rumored MAGIC MAKE 2 when we sit down with the man!

And don’t forget to check out KILLER JOE opening this week too! Seriously, this ain’t the Wooderson we remember. This is a McConaughey I never imagined we’d see. Alright? Alright…

“At first, I was disgusted. Threw the script in the trash…said I didn’t
want anything to do with it.”

Published by
Andrew Hegele